利用 EasyLanguage 一系列的 Session 函數,可以解決這問題。以下新增一個 $OHLCPeriodsAgo 函數
Inputs: PeriodsAgo(numericsimple), oPeriodOpen(numericref), oPeriodHigh(numericref), oPeriodLow(numericref), oPeriodClose(numericref) ; Variables: Count(0) ; Arrays: arr0[4,500](-1) ; // O/H/L/C IF (PeriodsAgo > 500 or BarType > 4) Then //Only keep 500 days of records BEgin oPeriodOpen = -1 ; oPeriodHigh = -1 ; oPeriodLow = -1 ; oPeriodClose = -1 ; $OHLCPeriodsAgo = -1 ; ENd ELSE BEgin For Value1 = 1 to SessionCount(0) begin If Value1 < SessionCount(0) then Value2 = Value1 + 1 else Value2 = 1; Condition1 = (SessionEndDayMS(Value1) = DayofWeek(Date[1])) and (Time[1] <= SessionEndTimeMS(Value1)) AND (SessionStartDayMS(Value2) = DayofWeek(Date)) and (Time >= SessionStartTimeMS(Value2)); //Condition1 = (Time[1] <= SessionEndTimeMS(Value1)) AND (Time >= SessionStartTimeMS(Value2)); if Condition1 then begin Count = Count - 1 ; if Count <= -1 then Count = 500; arr0[1,Count] = O ; arr0[2,Count] = H ; arr0[3,Count] = L ; arr0[4,Count] = C ; end else begin if H > arr0[2,Count] then arr0[2,Count] = H ; if L < arr0[3,Count] then arr0[3,Count] = L ; arr0[4,Count] = C[1]; if PeriodsAgo = 0 then arr0[4,Count] = C; end ; end; oPeriodOpen = arr0[1,Mod(Count + PeriodsAgo, 501)] ; oPeriodHigh = arr0[2,Mod(Count + PeriodsAgo, 501)] ; oPeriodLow = arr0[3,Mod(Count + PeriodsAgo, 501)] ; oPeriodClose = arr0[4,Mod(Count + PeriodsAgo, 501)] ; $OHLCPeriodsAgo = 1 ; ENd; IF False THEN Value1 = $OHLCPeriodsAgo[1] ; |